
Name blondie age 54 cover name patsy stone 

Superhero outfit black pencil skirt and a black and orange top with black high heel boots  and a french twist. 

Cover outfit some  white suit pants a white suit jacket with a black turtleneck and a pair of black cat eye sunglasses and a french twist and a pair of white stilettos.

Her weaknesses are not paying bills partying rudenis her age. 

Her strengths are fashion  that she has money and that she can  not be tasered. 

Her friends/enemies 

edina monsoon best friend and sidekick Saffy monsoon edina monsoon  daughter  edina’s and patsy’s worst enemy is the police and edina’s worst enemy is every fashion pr alive and bubble someone who tried to make them go to jail kate moss friend.

Blondies backstory it stared a long long long long long time ago. She was eating KFC when she realised it was moldy. She started gagging and vomited a chanel handbag. It was black with a gold 8 on it but inside was blue fashion slime which gave her fashion powers and her sidekick is her side kick so she’s not lonely. 

There most famous was in the south of france pr woman was caught killing someone  

They ran into a car and hit there head on the side of it and had a great idea to steal the rusty old broken car but btw there was a new bmw with the door open with the keas inside but they stole the broken slow rusty car. They got in and raced around but when they got to a hill it broke down it rolled back crashing through a gate and landing in a pool, but the pool that they landed in was owned by bubble. blondie.and pr woman ran away they did not go to jail, they are in pr woman’s east london house.    

How was my term?

it was… good i loved writing we did some persuasive writing it was fun and we did some stuff in reading but i can’t remember it though but in math we have done graphs i think yeah so that was my term this was probably boring but i had to make a review.

if i could have a super power what would it be

if  i could have a super power what would it be it would probably be flite so i can just fly anywhere i can fly to school how cool would that be it would save a lot of money on gas and plane tickets which are expensive so i can just fly instead of going on a plane and wasting time going to the airport one hour before you get on the plane and then you wait for ages for the plane to move and then your ears pop its horibol imagine if everyone could fly it would be easier no more annoying airport no more having to pay  just to get to another part of the world /country

james hargest exchange

James hargest exchange is great and i think that you should do it it is fun to watch and a great time some reasons i think you should do james hargest or watch it one reason it’s really fun to watch i watched hockey it was 11-0 but it was still fun to watch there was hockey balls flying people getting hit it was fabulous, another reason is that it gets lots of people to go outside so they get fresh air which is good for the body and one last reason is that you get to meet new people and make new friends to hang

British leyland

British leyland is a car company from Britain it had rover, land rover, Austin ,mini and  jaguar that was only a few. They  wore the biggest car company but there were lots of  big problems leading to there death as British leyland. They had a lot of strikes lots of cars were never made. In 1976 British leyland died and in 1986 the mg  rover group was born it was really just British leyland with  car  rover and mg and a different  name. But in 2005 mg and rover got sold to … BMW but later rover died